Wednesday, October 1, 2008
She had a friend who worked at the village funeral home. One day, while her husband had gone for a trip elsewhere, she created an "accident" at home and asked her friend to arrange a dead body of another woman to put in her home. Somehow the body was destroyed beyond recognition.
When the husband returned home, he was shocked to find that his house had an accident so severe that the body of his "wife" was destroyed beyond recognition. He was so mournful that, after he had cremated her body, he carried the ashes with him all the time.
The trick worked well and the unfaithful wife ran away with her lover to live together. But as time went on, problems and conflicts developed between the two. It did not have a fairy tale ending at all.
Gradually, the unfaithful wife learnt of what her husband did to "her ashes" and was moved by the love that he had for her. So one day, she decided to end the relationship with her lover and return to her husband. She found her husband on the street of the city and called out his name, thinking that he must be very glad to find that she was still alive after all.
"Who are you?" said the husband, when he saw her. "I have never met you before."
She was stung by the answer. "I am your wife." She tried to explain she was still alive.
"My wife is dead. Here are her ashes. I had been carrying it around with me after her death." replied the husband.
The beautiful woman was devastated. How came a husband who loved her so much that he carried her "ashes" around with him failed to recognize her? But no matter what she said, the husband refused to accept the fact that his wife was still alive.
To him, his wife had died. His love for her had also died when she lied to him.
How God created Human
He created everything in the Universe and therefore He is the Lord of everything."
Thus, one of His disciples went to see God and said, "I can also create things in the Universe because I am your student".
God replied, "This is stupid. Don't even think of it! You cannot create anything at all!"
God's disciple did not listen and went ahead to create something.
When God saw what his disciple had created, He bursted into laughter, "HA! HA! See what you had created?
The head is too big! The neck is too small! The hand is too big and the arm too short!
And look at the feet: a big feet with a very short leg! What you had created is a terrible monster."
Well this answers you question.
Something to ponder!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Your mind is Indestructible !
"A human being is part of a whole, called by us the 'universe', a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affectation for a few people near us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
What is our purpose of living?
What you know about yourself and the surroundings?
Who are you? Where do you come from? Why are you here? Where do you go after this? What to believe in? Did GOD create you? Your parents created you? Are you a soul? Do you observe yourself?
First Understand the law of Energy.
Energy is the driving force for the universe. Energy is a quantitative property of a system which may be kinetic, potential, or other in form. There are many different forms of energy. One form of energy can be transferred to another form. The laws of thermodynamics govern how and why energy is transferred. Before the different types of energy resources and their uses are discussed, it is important to understand a little about the basic laws of energy.
There are three laws of thermodynamics. The first law of thermodynamics, also called conservation of energy, states that the total amount of energy in the universe is constant or Zero State. This means that all of the energy has to end up somewhere, either in the original form or in a different from.In this first law there is also the law of cause and effect where for each and every action there will an effect.
The second law of thermodynamics states that the disorder in the universe always increases. After cleaning your room, it always has a tendency to become messy again. This is a result of the second law. As the disorder in the universe increases, the energy is transformed into less usable forms. In this second law it tells us that all things can never be perfected which means changing every moment. Or it can be said to be impermanence or always in movement.
The third law of thermodynamics tells us that all molecular movement stops at a temperature we call absolute zero, or 0 Kelvin (-273oC). Since temperature is a measure of molecular movement, there can be no temperature lower than absolute zero. At this temperature, a perfect crystal has no disorder. At this state it is known as the instantaneous moment or ultimate bliss state or orgasm state.
Your experience together with science is the study of our origin.Truth do not seek you.Truth is only revealed when you seek for the truth only. Investigate and observe yourself and that's the path you should follow to discover the truth.
From the energy law we know that:
God never created us , if god created us then who created god.
There is no such thing as soul. If there was one , then where is the soul in our body or where it resides in our body? Is there is soul then there will only a fixed number of human beings only.Then please provide me the number.Infinite space with fixed number of souls , does not make sense. If the souls are fixed in number then who decided on the numbers.
We are all transformed energy from the zero state and it is infinite.
We have been evolving for a very long time already. There is no beginning and there is no end, endless knot, transforming and transforming ...... Zero state is formless and timeless. But the transformed energy from zero state is time based since its seeking to reach back to zero state and not successful since the transformed energy is ignorant of its zero state.
We continue to be ignorant of our zero state.
We are in movement always(changing) seeking to return to zero state. That not possible as long as we are ignorant of our zero state. Because we are changing every moment relative to our zero state we are now prisoned within our space which is form , space and time. The intelligent energy in the zero state became unintelligent because of our ignorant transformation phase and we have ultimate reached a full fledged desirous body with superior sense to have more fun. We have the highly intelligent wisdom in us but is being overpowered by our fleeting senses.What can i say!!!
We do not know how to return to our zero state. We are always living in the past or planning our future.And we never lived our life on instantaneous moment by moment , but; always thinking about something.
To see our zero state , view the video!
The Truths is
What you want?
Do you want to evolve to be more desirous mammal? Experience orgasm for 2 seconds only.
Do you know where will you go after this life? Never experience orgasm again.
Seek for the zero state and experience orgasm (ultimate bliss) every moment. When you can play in ocean(universe) , why are we wasting our effort on this small pond(senses). Let surrender ourselves to the universe.
The choice is in your hand.